Building on previous cooperation between the Association of Polish Professional Genealogists and the Tarnów Diocesan Archive, an agreement has just been initialed between the above, joined by the Polish Genealogical Society. We can now officially announce that in the near future a very large number of genealogical records previously accessible only on site in Tarnów or at Family History Centers will be made available to all on the website.
This agreement is proof that fair dealing with church institutions can bring results long awaited by the entire genealogical community. And that organizations grouping genealogists, whether professional or not, can work together and achieve far more than by acting separately.
We have a huge amount of work ahead of us to digitize the extensive records held by the Archive, and make them ready for publication, which in turn will allow indexing.
Geneteka administrators responsible for Małopolska are going to have a lot of work to do 🙂