February 29, 2024 marked the start of the world’s largest genealogy event, RootsTech 2024, in Salt Lake City, a conference for genealogists of all levels combined with a trade show. Several thousand people attend in person and millions more log on over the Internet.
This year two members of the Association of Polish Professional Genealogists helped build this genealogical edifice in the role of speakers. Aleksandra Kacprzak introduced attendees to the basics of Polish genealogy while Lucjan Cichocki’s talk dealt with cadastral censuses in Galicia. Congratulations!
The Association’s Board of Directors was represented by Vice President Michał Jan Marciniak, who attended thanks to a special invitation extended to the Association by FamilySearch. Michal was one of just two official representatives from Poland, the other being Dr. Pawel Pietrzyk, Chief Director of the Polish State Archives.
We sincerely thank Gilles François of FamilySearch Europe for his commitment and support, logistical and otherwise.