Ethical principles


The code of ethics of a professional genealogist contains ethical principles and values that set the standards of conduct that should be followed by the profession of genealogists. Respect for these values and compliance with the rules serves to shape proper professional relationships of genealogists both in contacts with clients and the entire genealogical community. The principles collected here are intended to set high ethical standards, and thus to care for the good name of the Association and its members.


  1. Follow the applicable law, especially in the field of copyright, consumer rights and personal data protection.
  2. In all situations, treat your customers with respect, stick to the agreed deadlines and deliver your promises.
  3. Present the offer of performed services in a transparent manner, based on individual arrangements with the client.
  4. Base your research primarily on direct sources.
  5. Present the results of the research in a legible, orderly manner, with clear argumentation and references to sources.
  6. Avoid over-interpreting and deliberately drawing wrong conclusions from available sources.
  7. Constantly work on upgrading your qualifications by acquiring knowledge and skills.
  8. Advertise your services in a fair and honest manner.
  9. Avoid unfair competition and conflicts of interest.
  10. Follow the principles of mutual respect towards other genealogists, archive employees and other institutions.
  11. Promote the good name of the genealogical community.
  12. Support initiatives that protect sources used for genealogical research and allow universal access to them.